Tools and resources for staff & students seeking Erasmus+ opportunities
Information on Erasmus+
What is Erasmus+?
Erasmus+, the new EU programme for education, training, youth and sport covers the period 2014 to 2020. Aimed at boosting skills, employability and supporting the modernisation of education, training and youth systems, the seven year programme will have a budget of €14.7 billion, 40% higher than current levels. More than 4 million people will receive support to study, train, work or volunteer abroad, including 2 million higher education students.
Erasmus + is divided into 3 Key Actions.
Key Action 1 is about learning mobility of individuals.
Under Key Action 1 SNMCI second year students study for a minimum of 3 months in another Higher Education Institute in Europe and SNMCI welcomes European students for study visits. Also under Key Action 1, SNMCI teachers teach in other institutes, and teachers from Europe give classes in St Nicholas.
Key Action 2 involves strategic partnerships for innovation and exchange of good practice.
Under Key Action 2, in 2014, SNMCI participated with 6 other colleges in a project with the theme of inclusive education. This project culminated in a two week workshop in Izmir, Turkey, attended by four SNMCI students and two teachers.
Key Action 3 is about policy reform.
At SNMCI, we have been part of the Erasmus system for at least 10 years. Many of our teachers have traveled abroad and we have welcomed many teachers on lecturing visits. Our students have traveled to Denmark, Belgium, Italy, Israel, the Netherlands and Turkey, and to date we have welcomed students on study visits from Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Croatia and Turkey.
What is the Erasmus+ Policy & Procedure at SNMCI?
See below attachment.
What credit system do you use?
Erasmus and SNMCI use ECTS. One semester at SNMCI or abroad at partnering university is a total of 30 ECTS and a full year is 60 ECTS.