Madhav Bhargav
Madhav is a final year PhD researcher in the School of Psychology at Trinity College Dublin. His PhD is focused on mental health functioning in college students. Madhav received his Master’s in Applied Psychology from Trinity College Dublin (supervised by Prof Ruth Byrne) with a thesis focused on understanding the cultural differences in counterfactual thinking and moral judgments in college students.
Madhav has also worked as a welfare and education office at Trinity College where he conducted an independent pilot research study about postgraduate students’ mental health and coping resources in Trinity College Dublin (TCD). This was the first study in TCD that captured data on anxiety, stress and other mental health related factors impacting the postgraduate population. The study made a set of high level recommendations to improve academic and welfare support services in TCD and was discussed at the principal committees of the university.
Madhav has presented at various international conferences on youth mental health, with particular focus on childhood trauma and emotional dynamics in youth. He has also published peer reviewed papers and several articles on topics relating to mental health of youths in universities. You can find his work here.