Natalia Duda
Natalia Duda is a PhD Candidate at the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin. Funded by the Science
Foundation Ireland, she is currently conducting research focused on the healthcare experiences of
patients with chronic, poorly understood conditions with a view to implement change. She received
her BA and MSc degrees from Trinity College Dublin and is currently completing a Postgraduate
Diploma in Statistics. She has previous experience working with children, adults and older individuals
in clinical and community settings. She has also worked as a research assistant at the Trinity College
Institute of Neuroscience (TCIN) and at the Center of Innovative Human Systems (CIHS) and is a
teaching assistant on modules delivered at an undergraduate and postgraduate level. While her
previous work employed behavioural and neuroimaging techniques, she currently uses primarily
qualitative, mixed-method and participatory (PPI) approaches to research.