An email signature is text, like your contact information or a favorite quote, that’s automatically added at the end of Gmail messages as a footer. In your communications with St. Nicholas faculty, staff, and fellow students, it’s helpful to indicate your programme and stage by using an email signature. It’s also a standard practice in any professional communications. Here are some brief instructions on how to create or modify your gmail signature.
Add or change a signature
- Open Gmail.
- In the top right, click Settings
See all settings.
- In the “Signature” section, add your signature text in the box.
- You should use the following format for your signature:
Programme (examples: B. Ed., B.A. Hons, H.Dip., M.E.D., etc) For B.A./B.Ed, and B.A.Hons, please indicate Full Time (FT) or Part Time (PT) and Stage
Please indicate whether you attend classes on the Dublin or Cork Campus
Example Signature:
Jennifer Doyle
B.Ed. FT Stage 2
Dublin Campus
5. At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.
For further assistance with updating your signature see the following resources:
- Google Support: Create a GMail Signature
- If using an iPhone or Android phone, you can follow these instructions to use the Gmail client: iOS or Android
- See the video below to update your signature using a web browser: