A Day Of Montessori
Struggling for ideas when homeschooling your children, or maybe you are looking for some new activities to do as a family? We’ve listed four activities to do with your child that inhabit the key Montessori activities: Sensorial, Mathematics, Language and Practical Life. These activities will allow the child to learn in a fun and educational way, as well as inhabiting all the key elements of a complete day in a Montessori setting.

Sensorial Activity: The Colour Game
What you need:
tems of the blue, orange, green, yellow, red and pink colours.
- Refinement of the sense of colour
- To develop awareness of colour in the environment
- Preparation for future art work
- Development of sensorial and oral language skills
Lay out all the different coloured items. Say the name of each item with the child. Ask the child if they would like to play the colour game (this promotes the Montessori philosophy of choice, as outlined in our blog here).
Ask child to try to find something blue. Now something orange, Now green, Now yellow, Now red, Now pink. Now ask the child, “What are the names of the objects that you found?”
Be sure to have the child group the items in like colours.

Maths Activity: Number Cards + Counters
What you need:
Paper, marker, anything that can be counted (i.e. pasta, dry beans)
- The child builds the numbers in sequence
- The child makes an association between the quantity and the symbol for the numbers 1 to 10
- The child gains a visual impression of odd and even
On a piece of paper write down the numerals 1-10 and cut them out.
Lay them out in a disarray on the table.
Lay out card with numeral 1 in front of the child and invite the child to count “how many pastas/beans will we put under this number?”. If the child is familiar with numeral 1-10, the child can lay out next number. Encourage the child to count and lay down pasta/beans in pairs of two. When the number is uneven place the pasta/bean in the middle of the next row. Continue this step until number 10.

Language Activity: Sand Paper Letters
In Montessori classroom we use sandpaper letters to teach the sound that letter make. Though in the classroom we use a specific Montessori material, this activity can be done at home with flour and a tray.
What You Need:
A tray, flour, paper and marker
- Help provide a sensorial impression of letter shape
- Preparation for writing
You can write the letter on the piece of paper. Place the letter and the tray in front of the child. Use the first two fingers of the dominant hand to trace the letter on the card and than in the tray. Sound the letter out. Encourage the child to do the same and to sound out the letter. You can also encourage the child to find an object at home that starts with the letter or think about as many words, which they know that start with the letter.

Practical Life Activity: Pouring Liquids
Enhance children’s pouring skills, eye-hand co-ordination and independence with this simple activity.
What you need:
Two jugs (plastic or glass) and water
- Fine motor skill development
- Eye hand co-ordination
- Develops concentration skills
- Control of movement
Place two jugs/jars on the table in front of the child (on the tray if applicable). Fill the one on the left with water.
Invite the child to grasp the handle of the full jug with one hand and support the spout with the tree fingers of the other hand. Empty the water into the second jug. If you are using jars simply encourage the child to empty water from one jar into another. The child can repeat this in the opposite direction.
Pro-tip: Place a kitchen cloth beside the child so they can wipe any spillages.
For more ideas and activities, see our blog page on our website at www.smsi.ie